Surat District Co-Operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 261 2537693
Phone: +91 261 2537694
Phone: +91 261 2531137
Fax: +91 261 2533572
Post Box No. 501, Sumul Dairy, Surat - 395 008, Gujarat, India
Surat, Gujarat 395008

Social Corporate Responsibility

Khedut Instrument Assistance Project

Under the I Khedut instrument aid project of A. H. department of Gujarat state milk producers of both of our milk shed area are given following subsidy & assistance.

No. Scheme
No. oflnstrument Assistance RS (Lac)
No. oflnstrument Assistance RS (Lac)
01 Power driven chaff cutter aid 265 39.75 208 31.20
02 Milking machine aid 07 2.07 49 15.90
03 Bulk milk cooler aid 01 10.47 16 132.23
04 AMCS aid 22 17.6 52 41.60
05 Milk house aid 03 15.0 04 20.0
06 Godown aid 00 0.0 01 5.0

Shri Vajpayee Bankeble Programme:

Under Shri Vajpayee Bankable programme of government, 4 milch animal per beneficiary & under its correlated assistance programme,we have applied for 4,075 animals of 1,273 beneficiaries to JILLA UDYOG KENDRA, Surat. Out ofwhich 590 application were given approval.

Applications for 3,698 animals of 1,348 beneficiaries ofTapi district will be executed by "JillaUdyog Kendra ofTapi next year. In such project Rs. 22,800 assistance for one animal & Rs.3,971.00 per animal for Sumul Dan. Thus as per rule Rs. 1, 07,084 assistance for four animal unit can be received

Provision ofinterest free loan under such project to our milk producers by our union is a humble try to be helpful to our milk producers.